Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Day 3: Let God be Your Rescuer and Healer


    Often times we find ourselves doing everything we can to lift ourselves up and fix our problems. Unfortunately, sometimes we need outside help. T.D. Jakes says that people on the outside easily assume that the woman who struggles, is weak, and lacks effort and fortitude. This is not always true. Some situations we just can't find the willpower to overcome or even treat our conditions. We feel unable to change. We feel like we can't change, no matter how hard we try. 
    The Scriptures say that she "could in no wise life up herself." This implies she had tried various means of self-help to correct her physical condition. Remember we are still discussing the woman crippled by a spirit (physical disease) for eighteen years. It curious how most of the same people who are always lifting others up are the ones who cannot lift themselves up. This person is a powerful tower of faither and prayer for others, but often impotent to her own limitations. She is most likely the one people rely on, and she thinks of others more than herself. 
    Self-sacrificing is great, and a wonderful trait, but be weary of self-disdain. Self-sacrifice can bring self-loathing with it. We can strengthen ourselves while we always strengthen others, but we can't not use all of self for others alone, we have to also tend to our own wounds. If we don't use the advice and love that we give to others, on ourselves, we will be deteriorating ourselves, mentally and physically. We have to take care of ourselves, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 


    As we begin our healing journey, be careful not to fall prey to the temptation of trying to lift yourself - even though you've been able to life others up successfully. You can't do it, so stop trying! 

    You may be able to help lift up others during their times of infirmity or seasons of difficulty, but for you own healing and freedom you must completely surrender to the Holy Spirit's work. Let God be your Rescuer and Healer rather than you trying to do this impossible work by yourself. 


Day 3: Let God be Your Rescuer and Healer

      Often times we find ourselves doing everything we can to lift ourselves up and fix our problems. Unfortunately, sometimes we need outs...