Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Day 2: Identify Your Infirmity

We are continuing our discussion from yesterday about Identifying our Infirmity. The words heard today are able to heal your yesterday. T.D Jakes emphasizes that the Word of God has never changed over the ages. It is ever-present and continuing. 

When Jesus spoke to the Woman in Luke 13: 

  1. He did not call her by name. 
  2. He wasn't speaking to her just as a person. 
  3. He spoke to her femininity.
  4. He spoke to the song within her. 
  5. He spoke to the lace in her. 
    Jesus spoke to what she could and would have been. As we remember from yesterday's devotional, the woman's problem began eighteen years ago. Her condition didn't just begin suddenly. Remember this woman had a physical condition. However, a lot of women deal with emotional and mental traumas as well. We tend to get stuck in our own thoughts and they overwhelm us by telling us that we are not good enough, or we did something wrong, but in this case that is not true. This woman's condition was physical, but the same principle applies, no matter if it's a physical condition, emotional, or mental. It doesn't matter, God can heal them all. These infirmity's whether they are physical, emotional, or mental can affect and taint other areas of life. A friend once said that one has to figure out how to regulate their own emotions before they can help anyone else (children for example) regulate their own. As mothers we tend to forget that our children are watching us, every day, and they are learning from us. I for one, I have seen my attitude towards certain people and ideas, being expressed in my oldest daughter. I didn't like what I saw or heard from her, and I quickly realized that she was picking that attitude up from me. 


    Invite the Holy Spirit to come and help you identify your infirmity - the specific areas where God wants to bring healing into your life. Allow Him to speak directly and intimately to you. He always comes with love, compassion, and hope. Trust in His process. 

    Then, ask God to start giving you passages from Scripture to stand on as promises for healing. HE doesn't want to leave you simply recognizing your infirmity; He wants to give you hope from His Word that there is a future beyond your past. 

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