Monday, September 12, 2022

Day 1: For Every Problem There Is A Prescription


 When Jesus saw her, 

he called her forward and said to her, 

"Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." 

-Luke 13:12

    Luke 13:10-17 speaks about how a spirit crippled a woman for over eighteen years. When Jesus spoke to her, it wasn't a plea, or a request, it was a demand. Jesus demanded that the women be freed from her crippling possession, He laid his hands upon her, and she was free. 

T.D Jakes reminds us that in this story there are three main characters: the person, the problem, and the prescription. It's important that during this 90-day devotional we remember that for every person, there will be a problem, but furthermore, for every problem, God has a prescription or a solution. 

Jesus's statement to the woman's problem, was not counseling, it was a demand. As I stated above, He demanded with authority that the woman was free. There was no comment made that she would be free, he demanded that she was FREE! When dealing with past trauma, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, it often involves more than just discussion. 

Today's devotional is all about analyzation. Take a break, take a step back, and look deep down and find the foundation of the problem. It's going to be heartbreaking and difficult, but to get treatment for the condition that binds our freedom, we must find the origin of the condition. If you read Luke 13:10-17 it will tell you that the woman was crippled by the spirit for eighteen years. I had to find the origin of my pain and condition. To do that I had to relive every miscarriage that I've had. I had to go back to 2012 and confront and accept the heart break of my past. Confronting six miscarriages was like it happened yesterday. It was wound tore open. Even though the problem is rooted in our past, the prescription is in the ever-present word of God. 


  1. The Person: YOU 
  2. The Problem: Whatever physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental circumstance that is holding you back from living life abundantly. 
  3. The Prescription: God's ever-present Word.


    Remember that for every problem you face, Heaven has a divine prescription. 

    God has a command of authority that you can bring against your present condition. 

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