Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Day 3: Let God be Your Rescuer and Healer


    Often times we find ourselves doing everything we can to lift ourselves up and fix our problems. Unfortunately, sometimes we need outside help. T.D. Jakes says that people on the outside easily assume that the woman who struggles, is weak, and lacks effort and fortitude. This is not always true. Some situations we just can't find the willpower to overcome or even treat our conditions. We feel unable to change. We feel like we can't change, no matter how hard we try. 
    The Scriptures say that she "could in no wise life up herself." This implies she had tried various means of self-help to correct her physical condition. Remember we are still discussing the woman crippled by a spirit (physical disease) for eighteen years. It curious how most of the same people who are always lifting others up are the ones who cannot lift themselves up. This person is a powerful tower of faither and prayer for others, but often impotent to her own limitations. She is most likely the one people rely on, and she thinks of others more than herself. 
    Self-sacrificing is great, and a wonderful trait, but be weary of self-disdain. Self-sacrifice can bring self-loathing with it. We can strengthen ourselves while we always strengthen others, but we can't not use all of self for others alone, we have to also tend to our own wounds. If we don't use the advice and love that we give to others, on ourselves, we will be deteriorating ourselves, mentally and physically. We have to take care of ourselves, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 


    As we begin our healing journey, be careful not to fall prey to the temptation of trying to lift yourself - even though you've been able to life others up successfully. You can't do it, so stop trying! 

    You may be able to help lift up others during their times of infirmity or seasons of difficulty, but for you own healing and freedom you must completely surrender to the Holy Spirit's work. Let God be your Rescuer and Healer rather than you trying to do this impossible work by yourself. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Day 2: Identify Your Infirmity

We are continuing our discussion from yesterday about Identifying our Infirmity. The words heard today are able to heal your yesterday. T.D Jakes emphasizes that the Word of God has never changed over the ages. It is ever-present and continuing. 

When Jesus spoke to the Woman in Luke 13: 

  1. He did not call her by name. 
  2. He wasn't speaking to her just as a person. 
  3. He spoke to her femininity.
  4. He spoke to the song within her. 
  5. He spoke to the lace in her. 
    Jesus spoke to what she could and would have been. As we remember from yesterday's devotional, the woman's problem began eighteen years ago. Her condition didn't just begin suddenly. Remember this woman had a physical condition. However, a lot of women deal with emotional and mental traumas as well. We tend to get stuck in our own thoughts and they overwhelm us by telling us that we are not good enough, or we did something wrong, but in this case that is not true. This woman's condition was physical, but the same principle applies, no matter if it's a physical condition, emotional, or mental. It doesn't matter, God can heal them all. These infirmity's whether they are physical, emotional, or mental can affect and taint other areas of life. A friend once said that one has to figure out how to regulate their own emotions before they can help anyone else (children for example) regulate their own. As mothers we tend to forget that our children are watching us, every day, and they are learning from us. I for one, I have seen my attitude towards certain people and ideas, being expressed in my oldest daughter. I didn't like what I saw or heard from her, and I quickly realized that she was picking that attitude up from me. 


    Invite the Holy Spirit to come and help you identify your infirmity - the specific areas where God wants to bring healing into your life. Allow Him to speak directly and intimately to you. He always comes with love, compassion, and hope. Trust in His process. 

    Then, ask God to start giving you passages from Scripture to stand on as promises for healing. HE doesn't want to leave you simply recognizing your infirmity; He wants to give you hope from His Word that there is a future beyond your past. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Day 1: For Every Problem There Is A Prescription


 When Jesus saw her, 

he called her forward and said to her, 

"Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." 

-Luke 13:12

    Luke 13:10-17 speaks about how a spirit crippled a woman for over eighteen years. When Jesus spoke to her, it wasn't a plea, or a request, it was a demand. Jesus demanded that the women be freed from her crippling possession, He laid his hands upon her, and she was free. 

T.D Jakes reminds us that in this story there are three main characters: the person, the problem, and the prescription. It's important that during this 90-day devotional we remember that for every person, there will be a problem, but furthermore, for every problem, God has a prescription or a solution. 

Jesus's statement to the woman's problem, was not counseling, it was a demand. As I stated above, He demanded with authority that the woman was free. There was no comment made that she would be free, he demanded that she was FREE! When dealing with past trauma, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, it often involves more than just discussion. 

Today's devotional is all about analyzation. Take a break, take a step back, and look deep down and find the foundation of the problem. It's going to be heartbreaking and difficult, but to get treatment for the condition that binds our freedom, we must find the origin of the condition. If you read Luke 13:10-17 it will tell you that the woman was crippled by the spirit for eighteen years. I had to find the origin of my pain and condition. To do that I had to relive every miscarriage that I've had. I had to go back to 2012 and confront and accept the heart break of my past. Confronting six miscarriages was like it happened yesterday. It was wound tore open. Even though the problem is rooted in our past, the prescription is in the ever-present word of God. 


  1. The Person: YOU 
  2. The Problem: Whatever physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental circumstance that is holding you back from living life abundantly. 
  3. The Prescription: God's ever-present Word.


    Remember that for every problem you face, Heaven has a divine prescription. 

    God has a command of authority that you can bring against your present condition. 

Devotional: Introduction

 The devotional I have chosen to start with is "Woman thou art Healed & Whole" by Author T.D. Jakes. In "Woman Thou Art Healed and Whole", Jakes shares words of encouragement that will heal your soul and liberate your heart. It's time to get free...and live free! Get ready to experience Heaven's healing for your past so you can start enjoying the abundant life today! 

    -2016 T.D. Jakes, Destiny Image Publishers, INC. 

God wants His daughters to be healed and whole. He doesn't promote or indulge in our suffering. 

    Q. Why do we miss out of receiving this divine inheritance of healing and whole heartedness? 

    A. Because we are unable to accept our path or our journey. 

A journey takes time, healing will come. Whether its emotional, mental, or physical healing, there is a process to all things. A process that one needs to submit to in order to experience the full healing that Jesus has made available to us. 

This text studies how Jesus came to set us free in every area of our lives. He brings restoration to our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Over the next 90 days, we will explore the wonders of God's healing and heal together. 

Day 3: Let God be Your Rescuer and Healer

      Often times we find ourselves doing everything we can to lift ourselves up and fix our problems. Unfortunately, sometimes we need outs...